Channel: Art By Ali Haider
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: drawing for kidscherrycherries drawing tutorialcherriesdrawing cherries with color pencilshow to draw cherry fruithow to draw a cherryartist ali haider rehmanhow to draw cherriesart by ali haiderhow to draw cherrycherry drawing for kidscherry drawingrealistic cherry drawingdrawing cherriescherry drawing tutorialtutorials by ali haider rehmandrawing lessons for kids
Description: GOOD NEWS!!....You can now get my Drawing course for 90% OFF in Flash Sale for August 2021. Here's the link: (Valid for 5-Days only). ----------- Hey guys! Here's the complete step-by-step Tutorial on How to draw Hyper Realistic Cherry with colors. By following this method of colors selection, you can draw any type of drawing using whatever colors you have. #ArtByAliHaider #CherryDrawing #ColorPencilDrawing Reference Image: Grid Reference: Complete Real-time Tutorial: Follow me on Instagram: @alihaiderrehman Join our FACEBOOK Group: Please support my videos on patreon, here's the link to my patreon profile: My AWESOME (Active) Patrons: 1) Phedre Joseph 2) Mr. AL 3) Gary Readore 4) Daniel Young 5) Cathi lender 6) Chris Kerin 7) Suzann Wang 8) Larry Wesserman 9) Debbie Wessig 10) Helen Betts 11) Vesna Pavletić Please SUBSCRIBE if you're new to my channel & turn your 🔔 (Bell icon) notifications ON, so you never miss any new video tutorial NEW VIDEO EVERY SATURDAY if you want to see more drawing and life-hack tutorials! I would love to show you more things you might be doing wrong when it comes to drawing or just give you some general tips on drawing so you can get better at it! I'm an expert in drawing and i always have some new tips and tricks to improve your drawing or sketching. So don't forget to let me know in the comments what you would like to see next! If you want know what is INDENTING TECHNIQUE & How to use it for hair, watch this video: If you want to learn how Draw a Hyper Realistic eye, you can check it out here: Materials Used: 1) Faber Castell's Pencil colors. 2) Tombow MONO Zero Eraser. 3) SAKURA Gel pen If you have any questions, feel free to comment down below! Thank you so much for watching guys, have a wonderful day and see you next week! ~ ALI HAIDER REHMAN ----------- Let's stay in touch! :) 📸 Instagram: 📘 Facebook: ---------------- WANT TO WATCH MORE OF MY VIDEOS? Here you Go: ---------------- ♫ MUSIC ♪ - Moving on - First time experience - Honey - Rio Nights by YouTube Audio library.